January 14, 2021
A prophecy recorded in the book of Isaiah, Chapters 42 thru 45, is in direct relationship to what God is planning for President Donald Trump and for our nation.
God’s message is to be alert and be present. “For I AM about to do something Brand New!” It’s Bursting Out! Don’t you See It?
“Take a good look at my servant. I’m backing him to the hilt, he’s the one I have chosen, and I couldn’t be more pleased with him.”
“He will set everything right among the nations. He will not call attention to what he does with loud speeches and parades. He will not brush aside the bruised and the hurt. He will not disregard the small and insignificant; but he will steadily and firmly set things right. He will not tire out and quit. He will not be stopped until he’s finished his work – to set things right on the earth. I didn’t hire him – I made him do it.”
God spoke, “President Trump is today’s King Cyrus. Don’t doubt this for I have sent many confirming signs.”
1/14/21 6:11 A.M.
The signs rolled out like a flood gate opening!
I wrote: the sun is the most brilliant I have ever seen at this time of early morning.
The signs to follow within a few minutes:
I knew that the popping fire and rolling smoke from my neighbor’s controlled brush fire [burning leaves], a block away, at 7:00 a.m. [the most unlikely scene this early in the morning] was not a coincidence – this is how God works. The rolling smoke revealed a chain of angels!
I knew this was the sign of the Great Awakening and God was sending his Army of Angels; his voice spoke by the rolling, thundering sound of popping fire – the sign I could hear with my ears. God spoke through fire to Moses when he was warning the Israelites about their disobedience.
1/6/21 was the day marked 2,000 years ago [declared in the Hebrew calendar] as the “Feast of Epiphany”, which means the time when God revealed to his followers who he was at that time and who he is today. This event that occurred on the day of the electoral count confirmed the event, The Return. They both were written in the Hebrew calendar. Actually, there were known in the beginning of time!
Your followers, 1.1 million strong at the eclipse [the sign of illumination] are the ones that follow God. Epiphany means “awakening” – quick as lightning! Jack Maxey reported “The Feast of Epiphany” on the WARROOM before the day of the countdown, 1/6/21.
In my thesaurus, the definition of the eclipse is illumination, a loss of significance, power, or prominence in relation to another person or thing. The explanation continued: the election result marked the eclipse of the traditional right and center.
This is the “illumination” of the events that happened at the mall and what was going to transpire in the Halls of Congress! The sound alike names, eclipse and ellipse are God signs that you can hear with your ears! Amen.
God is sending this enlightening information like a floodgate opening – the sign of what he is about to do!
God spoke, the Day of Reckoning is coming soon and I’m sending my Army of Angels for your day in court. I am the final judge – your judges are corrupt and I’m speaking of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and others around the nation.
Vice President Pence will be judged by his actions. He cowardly submitted to the evil forces of Nancy Pelosi and the Left. He deliberately went against my Word and the Constitution while knowing the Truth about the stolen election. He withheld 3 letters from the legislatures as they were asking for a 10-day delay and the time to go into session, the time needed to rightfully change the electoral votes for President Trump. Pence stood before Congress and opened with “we have serious allegations, but today, this is ceremonial”
God revealed the sign of black male to me.I will share later in a forthcoming video.
God is saying, “Today is my Vengeance”. Give place unto the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance Belongs Unto Me. I will recompense.” Isn’t it interesting how the name Pence, follows vengeance? Recompense means to pay back.
Is God saying Pence can expect payback? “He sold out my gift to the world [my nation built on the Word of God] to my enemy, the red dragon, China. I’m coming to free these enslaved people.”
God said, “You all are protected by my Words of Power when the Crown of Victory is given to the rightful appointed one. Have your Army in place outside the doors of Congress, in D.C, the blue states and abroad. I have sent the sign that I AM going to scatter the blue state governors, mayors, and officials. That work has already begun.”
Jeremiah 51:28 … prepare against her the nations, the kings of the Medes, the governors thereof, and all the deputies thereof, and all the land of their dominions.
God said, “my righteous, appointed one will hold up his right hand as he upholds the Constitution and Life in the Womb; his left hand is placed on the Bible as he stands for upholding the Word of God. You are loaded for bear with videos, pictures [Pelosi’s son-in-law posing with the head of Antifa], the DOJ escorting Antifa buses into the parking lot and opening the doors for their entrance into the capitol building. I have provided everything you will need to expose dominion [receipts – all of it], but My Dominion is My Wrath. – it will remain in My Hands. Trust Me.”
Isaiah 26:13 – “O Jehovah our God, other lords besides thee have had dominion over us, but by thee only will we make mention of thy name.”
British Lord, Mark Mallory Brown is the minion of George Soros. This is the sign of the “mockery” of God and his son. God is keeping a score card and recording the names of the agents of darkness. George Soros wore a brown shirt for Hitler and used his experiences to bring together 70 billionaires to create a consortium of socialists to fund left-wing terrorist militias with the goal of destroying governments and taking over the world. Soros’ minions are written into the name of dominion that was to be used to take our country down first. God’s chosen nation, Israel, is second on Soros’ bucket list.
Meaning of dominion: power or right of governing and controlling sovereign, authority – rule, control, domination . . .
Daniel 6:26 – I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom, men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God and steadfast forever.
God is taking his vengeance, but this is the message for President Trump.
ISAIAH 9:7 … of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will perform this.
God is saying, “Keep in mind some dates, 12/21/2021, 1/21/2021 and 2/21/2021. Listen with your ears – this is my confirmation. From the first date to the last date, 62 days is significant – it is the reflection of 26.
The sign of the Star of Bethlehem was visible on 12/21/2020. God is saying, “My Son is the Light of the World and darkness of your land and around the World is about to be exposed. The sign I am sending you on 12/21/2020, also, has an extended translation. The first time it appeared after the birth of MY SON was on 3/4/1226 –the time in history when darkness prevailed in Rome and all over Europe.
March 4, however, is the sign of new beginnings and 26 is the military sign of the CABAL! Of course, you know all this, but I wanted you to know how this date coincides with the signature of Jesus, “I AM YAHWEH,” which was confirmed by the event, The Return that took place on the 26th day [9/26/2020].
The sign of darkness today as it relates to 1226 is the Dominion machines set at 1.26 in favor of Biden. The “pulse of the earth” has increased to 26 beats per second and this phenomenon is not explainable by the scientists, but by the search of two Rabbis, they found it was written in the Hebrew calendar and writings! The Return, the “pulse” of God’s Voice, the sign of the Star of Bethlehem, the Feast of Epiphany were all written in the Hebrew calendar and writings! God is saying, “This is the Great Awakening and my Light will expose and take down darkness as quick as lightning! I will make Myself Known to my Followers and their Enemies!”
God gave me the sign of a business card that I held in my hand – glancing away for a moment, the wind blew it out of my hand and through the crack of a storm door. I opened the door and turned to the left, to the gate that was open at a 45-degree angle where the card stood up on the post.
God said, “I will bring the winds and the tempest storm – the evil doers have slipped through the cracks of bureaucracy long enough. And my floodgate is opening, and the rats will flee the sinking ship. Have your Army strong on the outside for I have sent my Army of Angels to carry out the task quickly. I’m about to do something Brand New! Bursting Out! And You will See It!”
God gave me a sign about a black-wing creature that would come up out of the earth – but he kept saying, vexing, vexing, vexing. I was perplexed by that repeated word.
I thought vex stands for perplexed and confusion, but it actually represents worry and distress. Believing vexing was not a word that I had misinterpreted, what God had repeated, vexing was defined in 2 lines down from the word, vex. It meant worry and distress to the policy makers! And it was in my desktop thesaurus!
God was saying, “I AM going to bring Worry and Distress to the Policy Makers. The rest of the sign and message concluded, God is going to spew them out like garbage and the vomit will smell like a thousand corpse! The latter relates to the blacked-winged vulture that is destroying a town in Pennsylvania – a fact that was unknown to me before God spoke in my dream. They feed on garbage, the dead, and the lame. A vulture’s vomit smells like a thousand corpse. This is how God reveals what he is about to do.”
God is saying, “You are my good and faithful servant. For I have sent you to set the earth right and bring the nations together. Your work is not finished. I AM allowing the foolish to destroy themselves and then I will strike like lightning! And my followers, which are your followers, will know who I AM.”
I AM who I say I AM. What I say does not change. And you will be my leader of the movement for the Word of God that has been seeded 40 days before the election. Your name, Trump, was written in the Scripture that say’s my name, I AM.
1 Corinthians 15:52 – In a moment, in the twinkling of an EYE [the sign you can hear], at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
The evil doers silenced your voice and now, my faithful servant, you will Fulfill My Words: “at the last trump, the trumpet shall sound.”
The trumpet shall sound is the warning that comes when all the dark-driven platforms have been silenced. When you speak over the Emergency Broadcast – that is the Time and Warning their Empires are about to FALL. They have been working underground and now the dead shall be raised and exposed to the World. Watch how quickly I move and change your Nation and the World.”
Isaiah 41:25 “I God started someone out from the north and he’s come. He was called out of the east by name.” The name, Trump, is concise.
God says, “Have your Army strong outside of the assembly [in the Halls of Congress] so that when the rats flee the sinking ship they will be snatched like lightning by my Army of Angels. The Left is thinking that the guards outside the door are there for their protection. God said, “I’m turning the table”. They are in place to protect my chosen one when his Victory is reclaimed.
He said, “I will show my Vengeance and it will be something Brand New! It will Burst Out! And everyone will See It!”
God spoke in regard to King Cyrus, “Donald Trump is my chosen King Cyrus for this time.” Donald means world leader. And you will know this is true by the confirming signs I sent 121 years ago. God is saying, “Listen with your ears, 121, 12/21/2020, 1/21/2021 are confirmed by 2/21/2021 – the 45th day the Military has been established as a Green Zone [darkness surrounding the White House, the Capitol Building, Supreme Court, etc.].”
Translation: God is saying “My appointed one will serve 2 terms as the 45th President. The day, 1/20/2021 [the fake Inauguration] aligns with 2/20/2021 – the 44th day of the military surrounding Capital Hill. Obama, the 44th President, is the one calling the shots behind the scene as Biden responds to his commands through an earpiece. God is saying, “This is a sign you can hear with your ears.”
God spoke, “In 1900 I sent confirmation by the author, Ingersoll Lockwood, who wrote two books about President Trump and his youngest son. The first book was titled, “Baron Trump and His Dog Bulger”. The second book was titled, “The Last President.” Ironically, the latter was in regard to unrest by the anarchist in New York City and how they were trying to destroy the republic by the “shocking victory of a populist candidate in the 1886 election!”
Of course, Satan, comes along and darkens the picture in Wikipedia. This is a sign of what America faced 121 years ago [1900] and today on 1/21/21 when the anarchist will be shocked how you were given your Victory, the one who stands for the American Republic.
There are no coincidences. God is saying, “I’m sending my profound signs so that you may know My Voice is spoken through ‘signs’ that you can hear with your ears.”
Baron Trump, the son of President Trump, is the sign that God’s son is guarding his appointed one that he sent to build the Wall against all odds. God is saying, “But my hand was over him and the task was done. He brought the capital back to my chosen nation, Israel, the place that marks the death where I Died for the Sins of the World. My appointed one was sent to build the Wall that is the sign of my assignment for today’s King Cyrus. I sent President Trump to the border wall on one of his saddest days when he was thinking, perhaps, it would be torn down.” God confirmed, “I’m sending my Wall of Angels. The Day of Reckoning is coming soon!”
I was led to Isaiah once again. 26:20-21 and 27:1 “Come my people go home and shut yourselves in. Go into seclusion for awhile until the punishing wrath is past. Because God is sure to come from his place to punish the people of wrong on this earth. Earth itself will point out the bloodstains; it will show where the murdered have been hidden away.”
“At that time God will unsheathe his sword, his merciless, massive, mighty sword. He will punish the serpent Leviathan, as it flees, the serpent Leviathan thrashing in flight. He will kill that old dragon that lives in the sea.”
The words, dragon and the sea, are the sign of the China Sea. The ANTIFA heads identify who they are by wearing horns and black serpents burned into their skin. The signs of Revelation 12 come to mind.
After having visions and dreams, I was led to precise Scripture or another sign, sometimes, multiple signs confirmed. The “floodgate” opened on 11/4/2020.
God said, “Stand on Faith, I’m coming to Fight the Battles for You – to Bring Down the Evil Doers and their Empires [rulers in high places], I will expose every liar, the weak, the coward, the Traders and those that have committed Treason. I’ve sent my Army of Angels so have your Army strong when the World realizes you are my appointed one for this time, 2021. You are the Victor – the 45th president, once again.” But there will be New Beginnings and I will make MYSELF KNOWN.”
Check out my videos, particularly, lesson series 12, 13, 14, and 15. You are in lesson 14, The Signs of Heaven, Wings of a Dove. In contrast, the signs of hell align to the heads of deep state [according to how God has defined the heads by marking their heads! You have to see it to believe it!
I love you President Trump and thank you for working tirelessly, night and day, for the people of this country that you so love. Your Big Heart is so obvious and every time I heard you speak at your rallies, tears of thankfulness stream down my face. I knew God had chosen you for this time, and that is to serve 2 terms as president 45. It has been 245 years since the Declaration of Independence was written and freedom was declared. That is confirmation: you will serve 2 terms as president 45 – the leader in the world that Stands for Freedom.
Don’t back down and fight fire with fire, so to speak. That is the only language the Left and the McConnel’s on the Right understands. They are ruthless, evil-hearted and God is taking them and their “Empires Down.”
I’m always praying for you, your family, the Trump Team and those that are truly on the Right Side of Truth.
Linda Gale