Jon Miller

Find out what the mainstream media ISN’T telling you about the Trump administration. BlazeTV White House correspondent Jon Miller braves The Washington Hit Squad to cut through the fake news.


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Ben Shapiro Videos

Ben Shapiro is a renowned conservative political pundit, syndicated columnist, lawyer, and NYT bestselling author. He is Editor-in-Chief of news and opinion site The Daily Wire and host of the popular video podcast, The Ben Shapiro Show. Watch all episodes of Ben’s podcast and find clips of his media appearances, along with his college tour speeches and Q&As.

The Daily Wire

The Daily Wire is a politically conservative news and opinion website featuring daily podcasts by Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, and Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro. The Daily Wire YouTube channel live streams all episodes of each podcast every weekday. Here you will also catch special videos and series from each host!

Ben Shapiro: Mon-Fri 11:00am Eastern / 8:00am Pacific
Matt Walsh: Mon-Fri 1:30pm Eastern / 10:30am Pacific
Andrew Klavan: Mon-Thurs 12:30pm Eastern / 9:30am Pacific
Michael Knowles: Mon-Thurs 9:00am Eastern / 6:00am Pacific


Lesson Series 12 – God’s Warning on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Lesson Series 12 – God’s Warning on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Total Number of Videos: 3

A Bizarre Happening Forewarned a World Pandemic 10 Years Ago

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In a world mystery, the World Pandemic was forewarned! The experts called in to study “Why” did thousands and then millions of black birds fall out of the sky at the strike of midnight for 4 years in a row in Beebe Arkansas – were left scratching their heads? The patterns and signs overlooked were the God signs that were apparent everywhere!

What were the clues that put all the pieces of this big puzzle together in picturesque form? Our conclusion, “Signs of the Times,” and at the “strike,” were based on the reporting of the Rock City Times! The witnesses said, “on the dot” at midnight, the sky fell out and they could not see the ground for the dead black birds!”

Coronavirus – New York’s Plague was Forewarned 10 Years Ago

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The Signs of the Coronavirus and its roots in China and New York’s devastating state were forewarned in one of the World’s Great Mysteries that took place in a quaint town in Bible Belt Mid America! The Signs all Match!

World’s Great Mystery Forewarned Uncertain Times 10 Years Ago

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The signs etched in the clouds revealed deaths of millions upon the face of the earth and dark times but the answer to desolation, broken economy, massive loss of jobs and business is written into the signs of the Sun and land! It is not the next vaccine. Studying data and models, Shutdowns . . .

World’s Great Mystery Reflects the Life of Jesus

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The signs of the world’s great mystery that stand in solid concrete and stretch across the sky lead us to Israel and her Holy Land! The life of Jesus is etched into the earth! And the foundation of the world is unmistakable. It is not what you think. We are not talking about buildings, artifacts, etc.

Lesson Series 11 – Signs of a Murderer’s Brain

Lesson Series 11 – Signs of a Murderer’s Brain

Total Number of Videos: 2

The 10 early warning signs to look for in mass shooters should be known by family, teachers, school counselor, principal, police, and doctor. There are indicators that are common in all mass killings.

10 Early Signs of a Mass Shooter

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What’s Missing in a Murderer’s Brain

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Lesson Series 10 – How Life Begins

Lesson Series 10 – How Life Begins

Total Number of Videos: 4

Backbone of Life: Seeds of Creation

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How Life Begins

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How life begins at conception is absolutely undeniable when you watch this most enlightening presentation that takes you through the steps of the images that are carved at conception and then confirmed by the scientific based team members and their split-second frames! Science only recognizes zinc and its electrical conduction, but by these principles, you will see the foundation of bursting light that radiates from a “pulsating” heart and its centering eye!

When you get a peak of the Creator—God’s Son that makes himself known in the womb, by way of a provable ultrasound, you will be knocked off of your foundation! You will never question how the signature of Jesus is carved into the pulsating and breathing heart of new life. You want proof when life begins, here it is! Second-by-second countdown.

Right To Life

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Perhaps, If those that are hours or even minutes away from the invasion of penetrating scissors and a suctioning hose, could watch this short clip, their intentions could be reversed right on the table! When you see the deep meaning behind the images that are apparent at conception and then reinforced again during delivery, maybe the eyes and hearts of those performing the abortion and the mother to be could be opened.

Fingerprint of God in All Creation

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Can you imagine how the considered smallest, even insignificant planet of the universe, is actually shown to be the most extensive according to these visually based principles?! And its pulsating, light-driven foundation is the same image of the body’s structure that bonds every cell! Goldman Sachs, the banking empire, has become interested in investing in outer space. What they found correlates to Genesis 1: 1! We travel from this heavenly body to the “thralls of hell” as this particular man describes what he saw and felt when he died and went to the dark burning pit of fire. When he was saved from his wife’s desperate pleas and prayers, the hand of Jesus was extended . . . He shares how he came back to the side of Light.

Lesson Series 7 – Comey Caught Lying Again

Lesson Series 7 – Comey Caught Lying Again

Total Number of Videos: 5

Deep Dark State – Introduction

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Watch pit-bull arrogant Schumer go after AG Gonzales. His choice words, “ducking” and “dodging” and you are “at the edge”, truly fit Hillary’s behavior at the hearings that were only conducted for show. Her hearings were relative to four of our brave men getting killed on the night of 911/12 in Benghazi! Her favorite line during the hearings, “I don’t recall,” was accepted by our respectful Republican congressmen. You won’t believe the difference in the courtroom behavior of the arrogant bullish Left and the soft-spoken Right. There is a startling irony at the end of this video that relates to the timeline of the revealings of the cover-up of the greatest scam in U.S. political history!

Deep Dark State – Part 1

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We are traveling back in time to the earlier days of the Mueller/Comey/Schumer “I’ve got your back,” buddy pact. We begin at the bedside of a dying man and the seize of power by deputy AG, Comey. He had to declare this position for himself without the President and council even knowing about this brave move that took place behind closed doors.

Mueller was Comey’s back-up. President Bush was doing something that would shake the rafters of the DOJ and Comey had to resign by Mon. of the following because his conscience would not allow this to happen. Ten years later, Comey goes into full fledge, once again, attack against the Republican President. This time Comey is the driving force of surveillance [not against the enemy, but against President Trump]!

The seize of power had to take place first. Rosenstein will be the point guy to make it happen. Take AG Sessions out of the picture and we are in the driver’s seat while the Republicans hold all the governing seats! All for the cover-up of Uranium 1, Benghazi, destruction of 33,000 emails, hammering of 13 Black Berry’s, loss of 2 sim cards, destruction of 2 laptops by the FBI.

Basically, Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein would be the point guys for the previous White House – President Obama, Holder, and Lynch. Holder, Lois Lerner, and McCabe all run from the scene with their full payment retirement when they get caught red handed! No hands are slapped for perjury, contempt of court, surveillance, abetting the enemy, and committing 16 known felonies by just Hillary!

Watch “drama King” Comey’s grand staging before Schumer! And how this led to taking down an honorable man who wanted only to do the best, to protect and serve his country that AG Gonzales so dearly appreciated and loved. This video is enlightening to who the true enemies of the state were and evidently still are when party comes first beyond truthfulness, integrity, and good for the country. Could standards of the left be for the gain of power and wealth for the elite few?

Comey Caught Lying Again Part 1

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Issa caught Comey lying about the five immunities granted to key witnesses: Hillary’s attorney, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, bleach bit brothers, a staffer . . . didn’t show up for the hearing and/or pleaded the fifth!

Issa could have put the nail in the coffin when Comey played his old lawyer word game trick. What happened to Issa’s driving point and the most revealing “I gotcha” moment?! Learn to read Comey’s so very interesting body language.

Comey Caught Lying Again Part 2

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Mica catches Comey by his own outlined chart of dates and events. Case was closed in record time of 11 days! Tarmac meeting, No Oath, No records, No recordings, No transcriptions, five exemptions of immunity, deletion of 33,000 emails and the destruction of 13 Black Berry’s. No Evidence! No Intent. Comey’s body language is easy to read and the repeated lying patterns are obvious.

Comey Caught Lying Again Part 3

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Sensenbrenner catches Comey lying about the Immunity Producing Machine! Comey evades the questions with the same repeated statement and his word game 101 defense. Comey’s repeated body language can be tied directly to his cop-out techniques and when he gets caught in a lie!

John Stossel TV

After 40+ years of reporting, I now understand the importance of limited government and personal freedom.

Libertarian journalist John Stossel is a zealous advocate of free markets, a syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor. Prior to joining Fox, John co-anchored ABC’s primetime newsmagazine show, 20/20.

John Stossel’s economic programs have been adapted into teaching kits by a non-profit organization, “Stossel in the Classroom.” High school teachers in American public schools now use the videos to help educate their students on economics and economic freedom. They are seen by more than 12 million students every year.

John Stossel has received 19 Emmy Awards and has been honored five times for excellence in consumer reporting by the National Press Club. Other honors include the George Polk Award for Outstanding Local Reporting and the George Foster Peabody Award. Visit his website: