Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 2
Total Number of Videos: 21
Additional Pages:
Page 1 – Videos 1-6 | Page 2 – Videos 7-12 | Page 3 – Videos 13-15 | Page 4 – Videos 16-18
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Warning Signs From God – Part 7
This content is for members only.This is so Powerful as we turn the evolution-based “big bang theory” upside down on its head, not only to prove Creation, but the signature of God and His 1 and only Son are shown as an absolute foundation that begins by a bolt of lightning [the explosion in the womb! What science relates to as a blob of dead tissue, we show how the “Soul of Jesus and Everlasting Life” are implanted at conception! Of course, we reinforce with applied Scripture and the “sign” of a solid, anchored foundation. And then we take a quick dive into the womb for a sneak preview of Creation in the womb, and these symbols take you back to the mountainside of the U.S. backbone and to the underground pulse or the forewarning of the forthcoming, traveling earthquake. We end this road trip with turning “principally correct” upside down on its head!
Warning Signs From God – Part 8
This content is for members only.We begin these travels in Beebe Arkansas and the road signs lead us to the backbone of the Rockies, the World’s backbone [the Andes Mountains], and then we travel around the world by way of stacked butterflies! Likewise, by the “same sign” we are delivered back to the Holy Land and her 1 wing butterfly—the backbone of life. You want to see scientific proof—here it is in full living color with a directional road map! The signature of Jesus, the I AM’s, also, come to life! And then we travel back to Beebe for a down-to-earth completed picture. Or what goes around, comes around . . .
Warning Signs From God – Part 9
This content is for members only.The twists and turns of this chapter reveal how the underground sounds serve as confirmation for the connections to the people that were negligent and responsible for the killings of our 4 brave men in Benghazi – 911/12, 1 million babies in 1 year in the womb, and the spread of ISIS around the world. Sound alike names and/or aligning dates and relative locations of those that were at the top and could call the shots, link to the mysterious, unknown underground sounds! The many signs in Beebe Arkansas – the end of 1 day, season, and year – by 1 strike at midnight – are a dead match to Genesis 1: 14. Or in every sense of that verse, scripture can be known by the double reinforcing death signs the 1 square mile and 3 black lines! However, the eternal sign of God and his 1 and only Son align with Genesis 1: 1 and 2 as we view the down-to-earth sign, once again. From the earth, we travel to outer space or the satellite image of the womb of the ocean and next-door Beebe, will leave you without words!
Warning Signs From God – Part 10
This content is for members only.We start in outer space and then, repeatedly, travel back to Beebe Arkansas and this time the road signs, literally direct our path back to Genesis 1:1, 2 and 14 and to Numbers. When you see how Numbers line up with our 0, 1, 2, and 3 series that are repeated for 4 years, you will be blown away while viewing some additional predestined land marks! Flowing Light is the foundation that holds the body upright and it reveals how we do not have to walk alone through life. My personal journey comes to life in this chapter. An eye witness of many abortions, including her own, comes to light when God spoke to her while lying on the table in a dark veiling room. The forewarning that God was sending us a King Syrius to expose the U.S. CORRUPT government, could have been known [hindsight] through the mysterious underground sounds that were concisely interpreted as blowing Trumpet sounds—Biblically based. President Trump’s second [2] day in office, prove to be actions that backed his campaign words!
Warning Signs From God – Part 11
This content is for members only.In Part 11 we cut to the chase and expose deep meaning pertaining to the dates and locations of several mysterious sounds that have been heard around the world. Strangely enough, significant God Signs [the sound tracts] provide the bigger picture when connecting all the dots that track back to Obama and Clintons . . . in one way or another! Our “around the world,” road map, includes relative links to 911/01 and 911/12. Clintons ownership of Uranium 1 and hammered Black Berry’s leads us to Canada and Russia and Arkansas! This all sounds to “picture perfect,” but these are the God Signs that reveal the Truth!
Also, there are some scary scenes of the oceans [satellite proof] that relate to 1 million “killings” of babies in the womb and beheadings that are taking place around the world. The 1 ocean corresponds to the womb, and the other, represents the backbone of the ocean that wraps around the world! However, We don’t leave you in an depressive state of mind. This chapter ends with comforting, soothing sounds and words.
Warning Signs From God – Part 12
This content is for members only.Part 12 reveals the Hillary Files include a road map with double interest and signs! Millions in donations from dictating countries to the Clinton Charity Drive [underground, money-making-machine] held numbers that coincide with our repeated series of 0, 1, 2, and 3, which began in Beebe Arkansas. Millions of dead black birds falling out of the sky at the strike of midnight, within a 1 square mile, for 4 years in a row are meaningful God signs.
In fact, our travels follow the lead to Uranium 1, Canada, Russia, to the Benghazi rooftop of 911/12, to Hillary’s hearing, and so much more . . . Including the mysterious underground sounds that have been heard around the world contain matching dates and/or locations that reinforce all of the above God Signs!
Additional Pages:
Page 1 – Videos 1-6 | Page 2 – Videos 7-12 | Page 3 – Videos 13-15 | Page 4 – Videos 16-18