Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 4

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 4

Total Number of Videos: 21

Additional Pages:

Page 1 – Videos 1-6 | Page 2 – Videos 7-12 | Page 3 – Videos 13-15 | Page 4 – Videos 16-18

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Warning Signs From God – Part 16 (911 Sequence)

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Part 16 is the most interesting and powerfully convincing part of our God Signs journey as the symbols in Beebe Arkansas lead us to 911/01, the hit on the Twin Towers, number of people killed, and the exact time frame of the attacks! Furthermore, Flight 93 carves a path to the Clinton White House, Uranium 1, and to the Dead Sea. The 911 sound tracts reinforce the visits to Clintonville, Canada, Russia, Budapest, Jakarta . . . well, you get the picture. Let’s not leave 911/12 and Benghazi out of the picture, which takes us to 911/01, the destruction of 33,000 emails and hammering of 13 Black Berry’s and the round trip back to Beebe Arkansas, Cliftonville, Canada, and we end up in Russia, once again. Basically, reinforcement of the God Signs follow a circle from one 911 to another 911. A big Quantum leap puts us in 3 locations at the same time and you will not believe where we end up as it relates to encompassing 911! It is uncanny [downright scary] to how true the numbers line up!

Warning Signs From God – Part 17 (Validating Sounds)

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Part 17 reveals the mysterious underground sound tracks that lead us to an underground network, Beebe Arkansas, Canada and Russia in dual ways, Saudi, Chicago, Jakarta, Budapest, and Clintonville! All of the above are reinforced by aligning dates and their directional path to the killings of 911/01 and Benghazi 911/12, are astonishing! Interpretations of bombs going off, hammering, explosions, airplanes going down consist of many revealing links! It all “sounds” like a novel! But it is scary real according to all the rest of the God Signs!

Warning Signs From God – Part 18 (Significant 23)


Part 18 reveals what is significant about 23 . . . [9!]? The word of God tilted from its foundation, an earthquake, founding of an organization and links to Russia, a hearing, infamous statement, fires burning in two oceans, Obama’s 2 halted trips, Obama’s ambush, and so much more. By the repeated pattern of 23 and adding the repeat of 1 as it relates to 1 square mile, uranium 1, 1 million babies, 1 million dollars, etc., we end up at 911! Many more twists and turns show direct connections to the obvious concise people, places, sound tracts, and events.

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