Lesson Series 6 – Clinton-Comey Cash Connection

Lesson Series 6 – Clinton-Comey Cash Connection

Total Number of Videos: 4

Democrats Attack AG Sessions

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AG Sessions calls his own hearing in order to prove innocence and pompous Warner and Harris viciously attack like a pact of dogs! The hearings reflect the soft spoken word approach by the Republicans and the hungry dog pact that goes after the only bone! Sessions should have said, “I’ll produce the memos, records, calendars of the people that I talked to during the social event when Hillary turns over, emails pertaining to Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, hard drives, etc”. The contrast of the two parties is blatantly obvious and so revealing of the Democrats coverup of all of the Clinton scandals!

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Clinton-Comey Cash Connection – Part 1

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In Part 1 the Clintons, Comey, Lynch and Mills go back to the Clinton White House Days. Hillary had every angle covered and the Tarmac meeting confirmed, “you are protected Hillary!” Destruction of classified material is of no concern. Comey knows exactly how to dodge that bullet! He respectfully earned the court room reputation, “If you are guilty, hire Comey!” Check Comey’s obvious “I’ve got your back Hillary” list. His audacity is appalling.

Clinton-Comey Cash Connection – Part 2

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Part 2 begins with Comey gets caught lying, repeatedly, to Cruz and Collins, yet he still denies their provable congressional records! Comey’s double talk description of intent is mind blowing! Disclosure of Russian Collusion is completely traceable to Hillary’s unprotected server, which was declared by Comey, Secretary of Defense, Gates, and Secretary of State, Kerry. Five countries had access to Hillary’s emails and highly classified documents.

Clinton-Comey Cash Connection – Part 3

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Comey gets caught by Chaffetz, Ratcliffe, Cruz and Collins. Comey’s deception comes forth by refusing to answer questions and repeated special “escape” words, but his body language reveals the truth every time. The body language of the four doing the questioning is frustration and “you are lying”! Comey’s expressions are obvious, he’s guilty.

Lesson Series 5 – Deep Dark State

Lesson Series 5 – Deep Dark State

Total Number of Videos: 2

Deep Dark State – Introduction

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Watch pit-bull arrogant Schumer go after AG Gonzales. His choice words, “ducking” and “dodging” and you are “at the edge”, truly fit Hillary’s behavior at the hearings that were only conducted for show. Her hearings were relative to four of our brave men getting killed on the night of 911/12 in Benghazi! Her favorite line during the hearings, “I don’t recall,” was accepted by our respectful Republican congressmen. You won’t believe the difference in the courtroom behavior of the arrogant bullish Left and the soft-spoken Right. There is a startling irony at the end of this video that relates to the timeline of the revealings of the cover-up of the greatest scam in U.S. political history!

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Deep Dark State – Part 1

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In Part 1 We are traveling back in time to the earlier days of the Mueller/Comey/Schumer “I’ve got your back,” buddy pact. We begin at the bedside of a dying man and the seize of power by deputy AG, Comey. He had to declare this position for himself without the President and council even knowing about this brave move that took place behind closed doors.

Mueller was Comey’s back-up. President Bush was doing something that would shake the rafters of the DOJ and Comey had to resign by Mon. of the following because his conscience would not allow this to happen. Ten years later, Comey goes into full fledge, once again, attack against the Republican President. This time Comey is the driving force of surveillance [not against the enemy, but against President Trump]! The seize of power had to take place first.

Rosenstein will be the point guy to make it happen. Take AG Sessions out of the picture and we are in the driver’s seat while the Republicans hold all the governing seats! All for the cover-up of Uranium 1, Benghazi, destruction of 33,000 emails, hammering of 13 Black Berry’s, loss of 2 sim cards, destruction of 2 lap tops by the FBI.

Basically, Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein would be the point guys for the previous White House – President Obama, Holder, and Lynch. Holder, Lois Lerner, and McCabe all run from the scene with their full payment retirement when they get caught red handed! No hands are slapped for perjury, contempt of court, surveillance, abetting the enemy, and committing 16 known felonies by just Hillary!

Watch “drama King” Comey’s grand staging before Schumer! And how this led to taking down an honorable man who wanted only to do the best, to protect and serve his country that AG Gonzales so dearly appreciated and loved.

This video is enlightening to who the true enemies of the state were and evidently still are when party comes first beyond truthfulness, integrity, and good for the country. Could standards of the left be for the gain of power and wealth for the elite few?

Lesson Series 4 – Darkness Veils the U.S.

Lesson Series 4 – Darkness Veils The U.S.

Total Number of Videos: 5

The Cold Dark Age

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NASA’s perception of cold and dark goes deeper than their outer space signs! This video reveals the sign of the vortex on the run during the Total Eclipse of 2017.

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Darkness Veils The U.S. – Part 1

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In Part 1 we see God’s Fine Line Revealed. Watch NASA’s fine line video that shows what takes place during the world’s worst solar storm. Take note of the life code of a “flashing” X! And then you will watch a clip of how life begins at conception—flashing from 1 foundational image to another! Traveling the dark shadow path of the Total Eclipse and New Moon that went dark for 2 minutes and 44 seconds reveals a “flashing” X – the same sign as the solar storm. Stirring the chain of volcanoes and the New Madrid Fault zone culminates into spreading fires and “flashing” floods. The fires, floods, and Mt. Hood revealed the double messages of killings of babies in the womb and killings of our brave men and women, which included a baby in the womb in the massacre at Fort Hood — the worst killing on a military base in US history. This video stirs the emotions.

Darkness Veils The U.S. – Part 2

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Part 2 begins with the Partial birth abortion is shown by many God signs. Viewing of the partial eclipse according to the leg of NASA’s X [sign] aligns with the largest abortion network in the western hemisphere. This clinic is in the southwest. A bloody-looking limb or leg [the sign thereof] is lying on the rocks in the northwestern state where abortion takes place up through 9 months – connect those dots.

The worst flood in US history occurred where the bodies of aborted babies are dumped in trash cans like garbage out the back door. God had to wash the blood stain off the land and out of the waters! The revealing Truths about Hollywood’s, Harvey Weinstein, are shown in the most damaging fire in California’s history, Hurricane Harvey in dual ways, and back to the state where the bloody limb was shown lying in the rocks. The reference Mirror Lake, near Mt. Hood, and Weinstein’s Mirror IMax is a dead give-away! Harvey Weinstein is Planned Parenthood’s biggest donor. He also contributed big bucks to Clinton’s sex scandals and campaigns. One of the biggest fires relates to the symbol that represents the foundation of the US in multiple ways. Money comes to mind, just follow the money trail . . .

Darkness Veils The U.S. – Part 3

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In Part 3 we see God’s twists and turns. Democrats become the whistle-blowers against Obama’s hidden underground world, the deep, dark state. And the reflective New Moon that occurs 2 minutes and 44 seconds after the totally dark state reveals the number of killings of babies in the womb in 1 year and every year, which is a match to beheadings of Christians and/or displacement out of their homes.

One whistle-blower exposed how it is written in the Congressional records that our tax dollars are supporting those beheadings of Christians around the world, and of course babies in the womb! The second whistle-blower revealed how our tax dollars are being used to buy our enemies airplanes! Other revealings come forth in Hollywood’s deep dark world, including pedophilia, the worst floods, fires, earthquakes, and solar storms [historical record-breaking events in state, U.S. and world history] are reinforced by sound-alike names of the deep dark state players! One word caption: REVEALING!

Darkness Veils The U.S. – Part 4

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In Part 4, strangely enough, the names, God, King, and Lord are mentioned in reference to those that have been caught in a sex ring here in the U.S. and abroad. Pedophilia is exposed in the Hollywood and Washington Upper Crust of the elite! Guess what? God is exposing those who have been called God, King and Lord! The dark under world of Hollywood better being cleaning up their act!

Sound alike names align to Hollywood, Amazon, Silicon Valley, and senators and representatives in the government. A past President is also revealed and documents were sealed on his friend when he was indicted for prostitution with a 14-year old. This video is packed with lots of action [other videos] and the SYFY like movie is comparable to the So-FI company in Silicon Valley. Listening to singers and actors that have sold their soul to the devil is bone-chilling-cold reality! Hearing a sister give honor to her brother – the man who loved his country and served to protect those that hated the men in blue – will bring tears to your eyes.

Lesson Series 3 – God Draws The Line

Lesson Series 3 – God Draws The Line

Total Number of Videos: 5

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God Draws The Line – Part 1

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The dark shadow path of the Total Eclipse of 2017 that was only visible to the people of the U.S., was a hidden message that a dark shadow underground network is controlling every step President Trump is taking to honor what he declared to do for the people – to make our nation one of law and order, to uphold the constitution, the sanctity of life and the Word of God.

President Trump on his second day in office stop the flow of money to the Abortion World Bank or the underground network that sells body parts and/or whole babies that are aborted up to 9 months! The whistle blowers of Planned Parenthood have said that the profit of the black market is great. She quoted, “As a clinic manager, you become a dark person and the freezer is called the nursery!” Yet our Congress went against President Trump when he attempted to stop Planned Parenthood here in the U.S. because they feared the shouting lies of Fake News.

The northwestern state of one of the darkest abortion clinics is now coping with record breaking out of control fires on 9/13/17 and the name of the location even symbolizes the American dollar! And the taxpayer dollars are used to pay for the killings in the womb that are allowed up to time of delivery at 9 months! All the fires burning in the West/Northwest coincide with the hurricanes and floods in the South/Southwest and Southeast. So many more dots are revealed by the traveling path of the Total Eclipse of 2017. Northwestern University plays a huge role in the bigger projected picture . . .

God Draws The Line – Part 2

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Part 2 begins with the TOTAL ECLIPSE and its twinkling eye of the Sun is identical to the image that is carved at conception – the eye that carries the signature of the Creator – Jesus, the Son of God, spoke, I AM.

The double translation: the dark shadow path reveals darkness and how 1 million babies are killed in the womb in 1 year. The count of 2,740 aborted babies a day matches the numbers that are shown in the 4-second time frame of the first jump start stage! The count, 27 seconds after conception, shows growing light in each framed picture! This is a scientific based picture that shows these exact numbers!

The 0 stands for the lack of count among the populace! The worst relative fires and floods in history in particular locations relate to the backbone of the U.S. and 1 million acres that have already burned on 9/11/17 symbolize the 1 million killings of babies in the womb in 1 year. All the disasters, record breaking fires, floods, earthquakes, and solar storms started shortly after the passing of the total eclipse! You won’t believe the “forewarning signs” that were indicated in the images of the 8/21/17 Total Eclipse?! It is not what you may think . . .

God Draws The Line – Part 3

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In Part 3 we see the Total Eclipse on 8/21/17 revealed as an X-based sign by its crossing only over the U.S. In the hurricane paths across Florida in 2004, an X was carved in the earth, literally. Sink holes were left in the wake. The line that is drawn down through the Sun at sunrise on the day of the total Eclipse infers – the U.S. better wakeup! I’m sending my warning signs. Do you hear the trumpet blowing?

President Trump is our chosen man to alarm the people for this time that darkness prevails across the U.S. map! GOD speaks through the clouds that hang over the Garden at sunset. The signature of his Son is etched in solid rock which has been reinforced by the blood stain.

The state of darkness over the Garden [the Garden of the Gods] that lasted for 2 minutes and 44 seconds aligns with the number of babies that are killed in the womb everyday in the U.S. Busting light from the Sun as it comes out of darkness compares to the same image that is carved at conception! Jesus went to the Garden to pray to his Father just before going to the Cross. When he took his last breath and said “it is finished,” the skies darkened for 3 hours and the earth shook.

A swarm of earthquakes in the west where fires are setting all time records line up with the crossing of the Total Eclipse and its twinkling eye. . . the reference, Crossing, is another sign that the people of the U.S. better turn to the Cross, come out of darkness and follow the Light of God and his 1 and only begotten Son. The footprints of Jesus lead us to the end of this part of the journey.

The Total Eclipse had a beginning and ending point. Jesus spoke, “I AM THE BEGINNING AND END, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA.” Precise Scripture or several verses and images complete the rest of the true “Sign based bigger picture.”

God Draws The Line – Part 4

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In Part 4 the face of the Reflective Waters reveal the God signs of the beheadings that are taking place in the womb and Christians around the world. By another image, God is telling US, in the U.S., we should be speaking loudly and standing boldly for the SANCTITY OF LIFE. The “new moon” of the Total Eclipse matches the sign of new life in the womb! The new moon and the name Trump, are Biblical! See and hear the God Signs.

God Draws The Line – Part 5

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Scripture Comes To Life

How life unfolds at conception is now shown visually! Step-by-step undeniable symbols reveal how we are made in the image of God and Jesus is manifested in the flesh as His signature and footprint are carved into the image of Creation – the new beating heart! We are 1 body with God and his one and only begotten Son. The evidence is right before your eyes and ears. The jump start for the first heartbeats (up to one minute) compares to an approaching storm and watching and hearing the crashing waves at the shoreline. The womb’s ocean is the same content as the world-driven oceans. At the strike of lightning “0” seconds – the seeds open and take root!

Lesson Series 2 – Total Eclipse 2017

Lesson Series 2 – Total Eclipse 2017

Total Number of Videos: 3

Total Eclipse 2017 – Part 1

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Total eclipse will reset the earth’s pulse over America.
The total eclipse crosses over one of the largest earthquake zones in the US. This unique celestial event relates to where the Ohio River meets the Mississippi River near the base of the Garden of the Gods in southern Illinois. The positioning of the eclipse intersects with the vortex of the New Madrid Fault.

The last major earthquake at the New Madrid Fault that violently shook the Mid-west caused the Mississippi River to run backwards and the vibrations rang the church bells in Pennsylvania!

The ring of fire that is visible around the eclipse will be centered over this unique pulse-generating vortex that fuels the Mississippi River.

Total Eclipse 2017 – Part 2

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Eclipse of 2017 represents alignment and a traveling path over the US vortex points only. Especially, the crossing of the “New” moon over the “New” Madrid Fault Zone should ring a bell! The last major earthquake of the New Madrid Fault zone rang “church bells” in Pennsylvania.

The name, “Garden of the Gods” reinforces the message! The conclusion is mind blowing when you see many encrypted God Signs in the traveling path of this 99-year celestial event. You need to wear special glasses because the Pulse of the Sun – God’s Son – has touched the earth with a Forewarning. Consider what is going on politically [Left fighting the Right], destroying history [monuments, buildings and Constitution!]. Prevalent mainstream “fake news” cover for the shadow-run-government that is over ruling, even though they are now the minority!

Eclipse of 2017 represents alignment and a traveling path over the US vortex points only. Especially, the crossing of the “New” moon over the “New” Madrid Fault Zone should ring a bell! The last major earthquake of the New Madrid Fault zone rang “church bells” in Pennsylvania.

Multiple Hurricanes are Directly Linked to Total Eclipse

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This video features material that was written before the news media announced the path of Harvey and Irma. This is a repeat pattern of the hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005 that hit Florida eight times and where the last hurricane of the season ended, people that witnessed a blizzard/hurricane said “it was the End of the World!”

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 4

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 4

Total Number of Videos: 21

Additional Pages:

Page 1 – Videos 1-6 | Page 2 – Videos 7-12 | Page 3 – Videos 13-15 | Page 4 – Videos 16-18

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Warning Signs From God – Part 16 (911 Sequence)

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Part 16 is the most interesting and powerfully convincing part of our God Signs journey as the symbols in Beebe Arkansas lead us to 911/01, the hit on the Twin Towers, number of people killed, and the exact time frame of the attacks! Furthermore, Flight 93 carves a path to the Clinton White House, Uranium 1, and to the Dead Sea. The 911 sound tracts reinforce the visits to Clintonville, Canada, Russia, Budapest, Jakarta . . . well, you get the picture. Let’s not leave 911/12 and Benghazi out of the picture, which takes us to 911/01, the destruction of 33,000 emails and hammering of 13 Black Berry’s and the round trip back to Beebe Arkansas, Cliftonville, Canada, and we end up in Russia, once again. Basically, reinforcement of the God Signs follow a circle from one 911 to another 911. A big Quantum leap puts us in 3 locations at the same time and you will not believe where we end up as it relates to encompassing 911! It is uncanny [downright scary] to how true the numbers line up!

Warning Signs From God – Part 17 (Validating Sounds)

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Part 17 reveals the mysterious underground sound tracks that lead us to an underground network, Beebe Arkansas, Canada and Russia in dual ways, Saudi, Chicago, Jakarta, Budapest, and Clintonville! All of the above are reinforced by aligning dates and their directional path to the killings of 911/01 and Benghazi 911/12, are astonishing! Interpretations of bombs going off, hammering, explosions, airplanes going down consist of many revealing links! It all “sounds” like a novel! But it is scary real according to all the rest of the God Signs!

Warning Signs From God – Part 18 (Significant 23)


Part 18 reveals what is significant about 23 . . . [9!]? The word of God tilted from its foundation, an earthquake, founding of an organization and links to Russia, a hearing, infamous statement, fires burning in two oceans, Obama’s 2 halted trips, Obama’s ambush, and so much more. By the repeated pattern of 23 and adding the repeat of 1 as it relates to 1 square mile, uranium 1, 1 million babies, 1 million dollars, etc., we end up at 911! Many more twists and turns show direct connections to the obvious concise people, places, sound tracts, and events.

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 3

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 3

Total Number of Videos: 21

Additional Pages:

Page 1 – Videos 1-6 | Page 2 – Videos 7-12 | Page 3 – Videos 13-15 | Page 4 – Videos 16-18

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Warning Signs From God – Part 13

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Part 13 reveals two 1-cell organisms that are not worthy to be classified in the plant or animal kingdom and how they reveal the foundation of the earth and Creation of Man! Google Earth proves to be Man’s Best Friend when proof is needed to expose the footprint of Jesus that is embedded in the face of the waters where he walked as a Man. The mountain side of Elcapitan symbolizes the foundation of our Lord and Savior that is encrypted with the L and S and J! The signs of dripping blood, nails, and the Cross bring tears to your eyes. Life extension is inferred by the same foundational image!

Warning Signs From God – Part 14-1

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Part 14-1 reveals the God Signs of Horsetail Falls are so heart touching and revealing. When you see how the face and handprint of Jesus come to life by the Sun that hits the face of the falling waters, you will fall to your knees with humbleness. A “reflection” of Jesus when he was a 11 year-old boy, also, reveals his face as a 33 year old man when he died on the Cross for the sins of the world. These descriptions of Horsetail Falls sound like a story, but it is a depiction of how God is speaking to us today through the Sun [the Light of the world], the face of the earth and waters – Genesis 1:1 – 2. By the way, the date when photographers around the world flock to capture the scene of Horsetail Falls that only occurs 1 time a year for 2 weeks in the 2nd month, is so very meaningful as well. Those that go once, keep returning for the breath-taking, surreal experience that cannot be explained with words!

Warning Signs From God – Part 14-2

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Part 14-2 reveals the God Signs of world renown El Capitan are eye opening and almost unbelievable! Particularly, it is uncanny how the symbol of the end of Jesus’s life took place by the piercing nail – is portrayed! Reinforcement of this message comes forth by the signature of God’s Son that is etched into the foundation in dual ways. The nails that Jesus took in his hands and the sword pierced in his side are explicitly signified by the symbols that have been carved into this mountain side! This one scene is so revealing of how God shows the world the foundation of Creation from the beginning of time through the signs and signature of his one and only begotten Son.

Warning Signs From God – Part 15-1 (Signature I AM – Backbone of Life)

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Part 15-1 reveals the world’s greatest backbone supports reveal the God signs: South America’s, Andes Mountains [Signature of Jesus]; North America’s Rocky Mountains [Word of God]; and the body’s backbone support [image of Creation and Signature of Creator], all align with Israel’s Holy Land, the world’s backbone of life and signature of the Creator! All of the above carry the three images that are carved at conception, which then match the birth and death place of Jesus. The Foundation of Light is known in all the backbones. The “reflection” of the face of Jesus, God’s Son, that is clearly shown in Horsetail Falls, brings scripture to life! The body’s backbone contains a component that is referred to as the horsetail – you couldn’t make this up!

Warning Signs From God – Part 15-2 (Signature I AM Conclusion)

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Part 15-2 reveals the God Signs and Signature of Jesus, I AM, are etched into the face of the flowing waters, the body of a light conducting butterfly, and the head of a fish! A must see God Sign that has been carved into the mountain side near Horsetail Falls will leave you speechless! We travel back to Genesis 1:1-2. Likewise, the headwaters of the Amazon River, the peak of Mt. Sinai, the clouds over the Dead Sea are breath taking real and life touching . . . you can’t take it all in.

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 2

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 2

Total Number of Videos: 21

Additional Pages:

Page 1 – Videos 1-6 | Page 2 – Videos 7-12 | Page 3 – Videos 13-15 | Page 4 – Videos 16-18

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Warning Signs From God – Part 7

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This is so Powerful as we turn the evolution-based “big bang theory” upside down on its head, not only to prove Creation, but the signature of God and His 1 and only Son are shown as an absolute foundation that begins by a bolt of lightning [the explosion in the womb! What science relates to as a blob of dead tissue, we show how the “Soul of Jesus and Everlasting Life” are implanted at conception! Of course, we reinforce with applied Scripture and the “sign” of a solid, anchored foundation. And then we take a quick dive into the womb for a sneak preview of Creation in the womb, and these symbols take you back to the mountainside of the U.S. backbone and to the underground pulse or the forewarning of the forthcoming, traveling earthquake. We end this road trip with turning “principally correct” upside down on its head!

Warning Signs From God – Part 8

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We begin these travels in Beebe Arkansas and the road signs lead us to the backbone of the Rockies, the World’s backbone [the Andes Mountains], and then we travel around the world by way of stacked butterflies! Likewise, by the “same sign” we are delivered back to the Holy Land and her 1 wing butterfly—the backbone of life. You want to see scientific proof—here it is in full living color with a directional road map! The signature of Jesus, the I AM’s, also, come to life! And then we travel back to Beebe for a down-to-earth completed picture. Or what goes around, comes around . . .

Warning Signs From God – Part 9

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The twists and turns of this chapter reveal how the underground sounds serve as confirmation for the connections to the people that were negligent and responsible for the killings of our 4 brave men in Benghazi – 911/12, 1 million babies in 1 year in the womb, and the spread of ISIS around the world. Sound alike names and/or aligning dates and relative locations of those that were at the top and could call the shots, link to the mysterious, unknown underground sounds! The many signs in Beebe Arkansas – the end of 1 day, season, and year – by 1 strike at midnight – are a dead match to Genesis 1: 14. Or in every sense of that verse, scripture can be known by the double reinforcing death signs the 1 square mile and 3 black lines! However, the eternal sign of God and his 1 and only Son align with Genesis 1: 1 and 2 as we view the down-to-earth sign, once again. From the earth, we travel to outer space or the satellite image of the womb of the ocean and next-door Beebe, will leave you without words!

Warning Signs From God – Part 10

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We start in outer space and then, repeatedly, travel back to Beebe Arkansas and this time the road signs, literally direct our path back to Genesis 1:1, 2 and 14 and to Numbers. When you see how Numbers line up with our 0, 1, 2, and 3 series that are repeated for 4 years, you will be blown away while viewing some additional predestined land marks! Flowing Light is the foundation that holds the body upright and it reveals how we do not have to walk alone through life. My personal journey comes to life in this chapter. An eye witness of many abortions, including her own, comes to light when God spoke to her while lying on the table in a dark veiling room. The forewarning that God was sending us a King Syrius to expose the U.S. CORRUPT government, could have been known [hindsight] through the mysterious underground sounds that were concisely interpreted as blowing Trumpet sounds—Biblically based. President Trump’s second [2] day in office, prove to be actions that backed his campaign words!

Warning Signs From God – Part 11

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In Part 11 we cut to the chase and expose deep meaning pertaining to the dates and locations of several mysterious sounds that have been heard around the world. Strangely enough, significant God Signs [the sound tracts] provide the bigger picture when connecting all the dots that track back to Obama and Clintons . . . in one way or another! Our “around the world,” road map, includes relative links to 911/01 and 911/12. Clintons ownership of Uranium 1 and hammered Black Berry’s leads us to Canada and Russia and Arkansas! This all sounds to “picture perfect,” but these are the God Signs that reveal the Truth!

Also, there are some scary scenes of the oceans [satellite proof] that relate to 1 million “killings” of babies in the womb and beheadings that are taking place around the world. The 1 ocean corresponds to the womb, and the other, represents the backbone of the ocean that wraps around the world! However, We don’t leave you in an depressive state of mind. This chapter ends with comforting, soothing sounds and words.

Warning Signs From God – Part 12

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Part 12 reveals the Hillary Files include a road map with double interest and signs! Millions in donations from dictating countries to the Clinton Charity Drive [underground, money-making-machine] held numbers that coincide with our repeated series of 0, 1, 2, and 3, which began in Beebe Arkansas. Millions of dead black birds falling out of the sky at the strike of midnight, within a 1 square mile, for 4 years in a row are meaningful God signs.

In fact, our travels follow the lead to Uranium 1, Canada, Russia, to the Benghazi rooftop of 911/12, to Hillary’s hearing, and so much more . . . Including the mysterious underground sounds that have been heard around the world contain matching dates and/or locations that reinforce all of the above God Signs!

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God

Lesson Series 1 – Warning Signs From God – Page 1

Total Number of Videos: 21

Additional Pages:

Page 1 – Videos 1-6 | Page 2 – Videos 7-12 | Page 3 – Videos 13-15 | Page 4 – Videos 16-18


We are led through a journey by the God sent signs that will allow you to see unveiling truths with your eyes and hear by your ears. Mysterious underground sounds that have been heard around the world tie to Clintons and Obama in several undeniable ways. Scenes in Washington D.C. that were left as the after math of an earthquake reveal how the U.S government had been tilted from its foundation—the word of God.

From a church rooftop in D.C., we travel to the rooftop where 4 of our brave men in Benghazi fought for their lives before succumbing to burning fires and gunfire. Fires burning in the oceans stopped Obama’s travels to Europe twice. While the signs of beheadings of fish in the ocean that were detectable from outer space according to NOAH’S ARCHIVES, beheadings of Christians were taking place around the world. As we travel to Beebe Arkansas to connect the dots of why 3 million dead black birds fell out of the sky at the same time—at the strike of midnight for 4 years in a row, we are led to Israel and her Holy Land, to the rooftop in Benghazi, to Hillary’s crashing Blackberry’s and Uranium 1 [underground deal with Russia], Obama’s underground deals against Israel . . . and so much more. Earthquakes transmit fire underground, oceans on fire, mysterious underground sounds, sound alike names, underground workings of the Clinton money machine . . . make up a thumbnail sketch of what you can expect to view and hear first hand as the truth is exposed by the voice of God.

I present a series of videos that relate to abortions and birthing baby are breath-taking revealing!

We end our series with back-to-back earthquakes that take place on opposite ends and sides of the Pacific Ocean. Ironically, both countries show the same FISH/CROSS-based SIGNS!

The Crescendo where God shows his anger puts all the other signs in their true perspective and why God has sent all these “unveiling Signs” to those that are seeking the Truth.

At every turn of this journey, we are sent back to Israel and her Holy Land and the unveiling of how this world was Created in Genesis 1: 1. The signs that of the Creator, God and his 1 and only Son are carved into the earth and flowing waters and the beating heart of new life that began at conception!

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Warning Signs From God – Part 1

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Part 1 is an overview of the journey we travel by the road map of the God Signs. We will be led by a traveling earthquake that reveals continuing corruption at the top of the US government and an underground [shadow] force that is attacking our Christian Nation and sanctity of life. The earthquake ends where a Cross stands in solid rock. God sends double messages through all the revealing signs presented in the series, Warning Signs From God. Fires burning simultaneously in the oceans reveal the images and inferences of beheading, abortions, and the broken backbone of life. Underground mysterious sounds that have been heard around the world infer an underground working machine, bombings, explosions, failing airplane engines, trumpet sounds, and other “incriminating evidence” provide additional reinforcing dots for the bigger assembled picture!

A mysterious event that took place in Beebe Arkansas for 4 years in a row ties into the earthquake, fires burning in the oceans, underground sounds, killings of 911/01 on US soil, and 911/12 in Benghazi. Furthermore, the hand prints of those responsible for the events that led up to those two attacks, are totally known through the God Signs—the “repeat” of aligning dates, numbers, sound alike names, the mysterious sounds, and so much more . . . are revealing. The scientific facts and Scripture are tightly woven together and all the mysteries become clearly visible!

Warning Signs From God – Part 2

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Part 2 begins with emphasis on the dates consisting of the numbers, 0, 1, 2, and 3. On 5/20/11, Obama asked Bibi Netanyahu [Israel’s Prime Minister] to give up the Holy Land. Three days later, 5/23/11, Iceland’s volcano erupts for the second time, which stops Obama’s travels to Europe for the second time! The 2 halts or delays were 1 year, 1 month and 3 days apart. The earthquake and its underground traveling fire that exposes corruption at the top of the US GOVERNMENT [2010 – 2011] took place 3 months after the backbone of the ocean revealed “Spreading fire in Ice!” All the while, ISIS was spreading gunfire around the world and beheading Christians! These facts take us back to the womb of the ocean that was on fire from the oil spill and its signs of beheadings and killings of babies in the womb!

Warning Signs From God – Part 3

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In Part 3 we discover that Obama’s Travels to Europe were “stopped twice” by the God Signs! Could this be relative to asking Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu to give up the Holy Land? What does this action really mean when Bibi announced on “Christmas Day” [a God Sign – 12/25/16] that Israel had been ambushed by Obama and the US? Would this be Obama-nation?!

A UN advocate that was speaking against Israel was stopped dead in her tracks when the earthquake hit Washington DC! Or while the Washington Monument was shaking and tilting from its foundation [the Word of God], she was silenced on live TV! The Holocaust was airing on that same day in Israel. Many disclosures are revealed and you will see the ole cliche, “what goes around, comes around,” in live action! Our circles have just begun.

Warning Signs From God – Part 4

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In Part 4 we will travel to the womb of the ocean and there the image of beheadings of Christians that are taking place around the world is reinforced by the killings of 1 million babies in the womb in 1 year! The signs of the womb and/or umbilical cord that are being attacked by black claws depict how the babies head and brain are punctured by scissors! Scenes on a church rooftop in D.C. that reveal beheadings and a broken body could be relative to the broken body of churches and our government that do not protect the pulsating and breathing life in the womb!

We introduce the life code and the signature of the Creator is absolutely undeniable! Underground sound tracts and their revealing dates of “911” expose the “guilty” heads of our government that support abortions [killings of fully developed babies are called partial birth abortions!]. Furthermore, the support for ISIS to spread around the world comes from direct handouts of this corrupt underground government.

Warning Signs From God – Part 5

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In Part 5 we begin with Reflective travels in D.C. as we view how the Word of God was tilted from its foundation. The underground sound tracts reinforce the underground network that sells body parts for the sake of science advancement! The sound of the reference, abortion, removes the blood stain of killing life in the womb. A lesson in applied Quantum Physics reveals the transforming steps of the life code and the signature of the Creator! Broader understanding of Creation in the Womb and Creation of the World are at your drawing fingertips!

Warning Signs From God – Part 6

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We are going to soar through this part of our journey and end up with the uplifting strength of a soaring eagle!. A lesson in hand symbol [Quantum Physics 101] will leave you spell bound! The Sun that appeared during the earthquake of 8/23/11 infers the Death and Resurrection of God’s Son. Even the sunrise on Easter morning is a sign we cannot ignore. And of course, we are taken back to Beebe Arkansas to the signs of the Death and Resurrection of God’s Son.

For deeper meaning of a soaring eagle and its strength, watch the video, The Light of an Eagle, and see my explanations.