The Five on Fox News is hosted by Jesse Watters, Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Juan Williams and Emily Compagno or another guest host. The Five provide intelligent discussion with different political views on current events each weeknight on the Fox News Channel.
FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most watched television news channel for more than 15 years and according to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll, is the most trusted television news source in the country. Owned by 21st Century Fox, FNC is available in more than 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.
‘The Five’: It’s officially inauguration eve
Judge Jeanine on inauguration moving inside: ‘Health and safety matters'
Biden's last four years were nothing but an ‘acid trip’: Gutfeld
‘The Five’: Trump’s AG pick smacks down Adam Schiff
Jesse Watters: The media ‘fawned’ over Biden's final speech
‘PARTICIPATION TROPHY’: Biden’s role in cease-fire deal under scrutiny
Gutfeld: Kamala Harris offered word salads of comfort
'The Five' calls out Gavin Newsom's 'desperate' moves
‘The Five’ reacts to contentious Hegseth confirmation hearing
Biden reminds me of a ‘pathetic villain’: Gutfeld
Kayleigh McEnany: This was a ‘talking point sentencing’
Jesse Watters: More ‘stupidity and stunning incompetence’ from CA’s leaders
‘The Five’: Newsom confronted by angry Californian
Gutfeld to LA Mayor Bass: You can't fight fire with platitudes
Gutfeld: Trump holds a 'big powwow' with Republicans
Gutfeld: Biden puts the 'lame' in lame duck
‘The Five’ reacts to devastating wildfires in LA County
Zuckerberg says the days of censorship are over: Watters
Carville slams Democrats for using ‘idiotic NPR jargon’ after election loss
‘The Five’: Trump floats ‘MAGA global domination’